Melissa Bollinger
Welland McMaster Family Health Team
Jim Borysko
Welland McMaster Family Health Team
Jay Burdon
Niagara College, Faculty of Community & Health Studies
Albert Calaguiro
Wayside Transitional Home
Sarah Cannon
Pathstone Mental Health
Thomas Coyne
(Pathstone) Youth Wellness Hub
Tammy Dumas
211 Communities
Barb Evans
Niagara Health
Julie Evans
Niagara Region Community Services (Homelessness)
Scott Faraway
Brain Injury Community Re-Entry
Liz Froese
Janice Spiece
Community Addictions Services of Niagara
Nancy Garner
Quest Community Health Centre
Sydney Garvin
Consumer/Survivor Initiative of Niagara
Marco Giannico
Niagara Regional Police Service
Heather Gillespie
CMHA Niagara
Matthew Goodman
PC/FC Representative
Judy Hoover
Consumer/Survivor Initiative of Niagara
Leah Jeffery
Aidan Johnson
Niagara Community Legal Clinic
Mike Lambert
ARID Recovery Homes
Maxine Lewis
Niagara Health Services
Lise Corriveau
Centre de Sante Communautaire Hamilton/Niagara
Ken MacKenzie
ARID Recovery Homes
Marty Mako
Niagara Region Emergency Medical Services
Carol Nagy
Hospice Niagara
Cathy Neil
PC/FC Representative