The Indicators and Measurements Working Group is currently in the early, formative stages of development as a mission-critical component of the NOHT-ÉSON’s Mission and Vision for health and social care service delivery.
This working group is designed to create a harmonized vision to satisfy two very different points of view about health and social care delivery in society. Some people’s experiences lead them to the view that society only measures the things it considers important: only what gets measured matters.
This leads to Galileo’s strategy for measurement: “Measure what is measurable and make measurable what is not so.” On the other hand, health care practitioners often manage important issues that are not easily measured mathematically. As Albert Einstein put it: “Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted.”
The Indicators and Measurements Working Group welcomes members from both of these perspectives (and all others in between) and aims to create a harmonized picture of health and social care that measures what is measurable and establishes various other indicators to ensure that the most accurate picture of our health and social care system is available to everyone.
For more information, contact Co-Lead Cheri Beckman at
Indicators and Measurements Working Group Members
Cheri Beckman
Niagara Health
Currently Vacant
David Ceglie
Hotel Dieu Shaver Health and Rehabilitation Centre
Sabrina Piluso
Jenny Stranges
Quest Community Health Centre
Chris Pollard
Hotel Dieu Shaver Health and Rehabilitation Centre
Carol Nagy
Hospice Niagara
Dara Klisowsky
Niagara Health
David Angus
Alzheimer Society of Niagara
Jennifer Laugher
Niagara Region
Katie MacNeil
Niagara Medical Group Family Health Team
Morrigan Grey
Hotel Dieu Shaver Health and Rehabilitation Centre
Kim Eros
Niagara Region
Viviana Menendez
Niagara Region